Mueller dotKonnect’s Podcast: Connecting the Dots Across Finance Functions

Mueller dotKonnect is proud to announce our brand new podcast, “Connecting the Dots Across Finance Functions.”

Listen to the trailer now, and check back in for our first official episode later this month!

Trailer Transcript:

[00:00:00] Hi, you're listening to "Connecting the Dots Across Finance Functions," the Mueller dotKonnect podcast.

[00:00:10] Join us as we introduce Mueller dotKonnect, the newest expansion of PKF Mueller's Client Advisory Services offerings. In this podcast, our goal is to provide key insights into optimizing your current accounting department as you grow.

[00:00:24] Mueller dotKonnect LLC, located in Plano, Texas, is a related entity of PKF Mueller, an award-winning Certified Public Accounting and business advisory firm that serves clients both domestically and internationally. Mueller dotKonnect specializes in Business Process Management and Business Process Outsourcing serving startups to large enterprises across diverse industries.

[00:00:46] So let us connect the dots across your finance functions.

[00:00:50] Mueller dotKonnect is not a CPA firm. Assurance services are performed by an independent external firm.


About Mueller dotKonnect: what it is, how it evolved, & what the future looks like


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